Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Somerset County Youth Art Month Exhibit is held at the Somerset Art Associaton (SAA) in Bedminister, NJ and is chaired by AENJ Past President, Susan Bivona. The exhibit has been at SAA for the past 7 years and a BIG thank you goes out to Robyn Tromeur, Director of SAA and all the volunteers from SAA who helped hang this exhibit. Student artists and their families enjoyed viewing the artwork and were inspired as they walked throught the exhibit and art studios.
Cool paint buckets were on display at the refreshment table and sponsor forms were scattered throughout the event. TARGET was even a sponsor of the event!

This K-6 YAM Exhibit was the first part of the Somerset YAM Festivities. The next celebration will be on March 29th for Grades 7-12. Great job Susan!

All the work can be viewed at our Artsonia, On-line Gallery @

1 comment:

DGreh said...

Bravo Mrs Bivona! Your show was excellent!