Sunday, May 10, 2020

Sunday Student Artist Spotlight: Chancez F.!

This week's Student Artist Spotlight is Chancez F.!

Chancez is a 12th grader at Mastery Charter High School in Camden.  Her art teacher is Laura Cain.

In regards to her Journey Though Art, Chancez writes. "Art is my talent that no one knows or sees when they look at me because I don’t really show it unless I need to. It all started when I was young, I always liked to draw and color things. I achieved certificates for art in like third-seventh grade. In seventh grade I won an art contest at my community center against other community centers also I won a hundred dollar gift card. Art helps me calm down and stay focused. When I have a lot on my mind I start to draw things to get my mind off it or just so I won’t overthink. I really don’t like expressing myself because no one understands me so I use art as a therapy in place of talking. Art is just like life because in life you step away from things and meditate or refocuses, taking a deep breath.When I am bored and don’t have nothing else to do, I start drawing and putting the pieces together. Even when I am done my artwork I feel accomplished but there's always more to do, I tend to go back, change things around and add more designs. In life you are proud of what you accomplished as an individual but also knowing you have to do more. From my perspective it ain’t really easy, you have to work for whatever you want, even if you did it once, doesn’t mean it will be easier the second or third time. I have been getting honor roll for years but that doesn’t mean anything, Now that I am in the twelfth grade it’s harder but I have to push myself not only because I know I can do it but for myself, and I want it. I been getting honor roll so why stop now?"

Congratulations, Chancez!

If you would like to recognize your student artist for our spotlight segment, please fill out the google form:

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